Wednesday, September 1, 2010

first few days

ive been here for, what, four days now? this is bad, im already losing track of time.
anyways. i feel so welcome here. this country is just beautiful. im in love with it already.

at the airport my host mom had brought one of my host sisters friends, ana, and her little sister, paula, with her to pick me up. my host sister is in africa right now on her senior trip so, clearly, she couldnt come with. i get in the car to go back to my new house and guess whats playing? yeah, blink-182, only like my favorite band. i took it as  sign that everything is okay.
we drove though the city and they pointed out different things to me, not that i remember where anything was. back at my house i put my suitcases in my room and started to unpack while vesna finished preparing lunch. here lunch is the biggest meal of the day, not dinner. its weird to eat a big meal at 2 pm then not eat again until like 9 at night but im getting used to it. there is so much food here. i eat until im full, but ive been told i barely eat at all. my host mom told me i "eat like a little bird." i thought that was so cute, but really, im eating as much as i usually do!
so after lunch ana, paula and i went to my room. i told them about silly bands and gave them some. i also made them try reese cups because they dont have them here! i think i got them addicted. [:
then we went to their house to pick up their mom and we went to the top of the mountian overlooking zagreb to this beautiful old castle. we just walked around for a little and then went back to have a drink at anas house.
when i got back to my house i went straight to sleep as i was super tired.
on monday my host mother and i went into the city to go to the police department because i had to like register that i was staying in zagreb for the next year. then we went and got delicious ice cream. it didnt quite taste like ice cream back home, it was more rich. i really like it.
after that i went to anas house and her, her friend whos name i dont remember and i went to avenue mall. her friend speaks really good english so i loved talking to him. its weird not hearing english anymore.
after that we rented 'the proposal' and went back to her house to watch it. then i spent the night at her house.
tuesday ana, paula, one of paulas friends and i went into the city. they showed me upper town and the cathedral and some other things.
it was a lot of fun. then we went to mcdonalds for ice cream!
we went back to anas house, had lunch and hung out.

today i went to my new school to sign up for classes. i forget what im taking though. this is all a lot to take in in just a few days. tonight im going to the movies with ana and emma, the one i flew here with.

i feel like im writing every detail of my life so im gonna stop now. i promise things will be more summerized from now on, as this is to much to write.

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