Wednesday, September 22, 2010

its been forever..

i never really realized before how hard it was to keep up on a blog. seriously.
so im officially on my third week of school. wow, three weeks. ive almost been here a month. thats crazy to me. on one hand i feel like i just got here and time is going way to fast. yet at the same time i feel as though ive always lived here. i already consider this to be my home. my life here is all i know. its like a dream when i think of living back in pennslvyania, its not a real life to me. and oddly enough, i dont really miss it either. not yet at least.

so where to begin? i dont even know.
im going to try to keep this kind of short so.
first week of school: was great. i feel like i made a lot of friends and that everything is going to be okay this year. emma and i have, what i consider to be, our best friends in our class. dora and tina. we went out with them after school most of the days that week. theyre great. actually, i think everyone in my class is great. theres not one person i dont like. id say i got pretty lucky :]
wow, that was corny. i really mean all of it though.
so back to my first week of school. i think i need to say a little something about gym class. uhhhh. lets just say, i didnt know i was going to boot camp. okay, maybe its not thaaat bad, but i feel like im seriously about to die after. we dont play games like back at home. no. we run. a lot. and do sittups, and pull ups, and jump over hurdles and do the high jump (which, god, i cannot do) oh and more running. yeah lots of running. that about sums it up. its just awful. the only thing i truely dont like about croatia.
so about my other classes. physics. hahahhaaha oh my, physics. if i even knew what we were doing in that class i could tell you how its going. i do not understand a thing. same with my math class. okay math isnt as bad, i get some of it. but well, lets face it, my teacher is not good at explaining thing. at all. and it doesnt help that well, for example, instead of saying ˝pi over 2˝ for the fraction π/2 she says ˝P halves˝ and  get all confuse like ˝uuhhh wtf is p halves?˝ and therefor miss the rest of what shes trying to say. she is super nice though. i feel bad.
english class. my english class is intense. its not like ˝ ´see spot run` said jane. ´come home, spot.` said dick. ´come, spot, come` ˝ as most people expect for an english class taught in a non english speaking country. (and yes, i am old enough that i did learn to read from those books.) no, right now in english we are doing hardcore shakespear. memorizing lines every night. learning all the plays and what happens in each. i think it honestly might be a harder class than my english class at home.
i have other classes like, phycology, religion, history, geography, and logic.but theyre nothing special. except maybe religion. but thats for another post.

second week of school: afternoon classes. this week was pretty boring. class from 2-8 every day, so we didnt go out after school since it was so late. the whole sleeping in part was just awesome though. but i feel like i waste my entire day when i have afternoon classes. my days go: sleep in, get up and get ready for school. go to school. come home and do homework, go to bed.
the only exciting part of last week was we had a few free periods one day so emma, and i went to the main square to meet up with another exchange student, also named emma, to buy lady gaga tickets for when she come to zagreb in november! :D
last thursday emma spent the night at my house because we had a rotary orientation friday.
orientation was really dumb. pretty much we just sat there and were told alll the rules that eventually will most likey be broken anyways.. juuuust kidding! ;]
saturday we went on our first rotary trip to the zagorje area in croatia, which is literally like on the border of slovenia. im not going to lie, i didnt have the best time. the bus trip and just being with the other exchangers was great and we had a lot of fun. but it was cold and raining alll day. the day consisted of a guided tour of this new caveman museum all about the creation of the earth and life. it was early in the morning and honestly, kind of boring. then we went to a beautiful castle, and again, had a guided tour. except this was worse because the tour was in croatian. awesome castle, not so awesome time because of the tour.
after that we drove to a town, varaždin, where three of the other exchangers live. we went to a nice hotel and had the most delicious lunch ever sponsored by the rotary club there. it was awesome. then once again, we had a guided tour through a cemetery which i think is considered one of the most beautiful in europe. and it was. it was so pretty with all the bush tree things and the big graves. but it was raining and we were wet and kept getting yelled at for stopping to admire the graves and not keeping up with the tour. ugh. so after that, guess what we did? OH YEAH another guided tour walking around the city. in the cold. and the rain. it was great. again, beautiful town, horrible conditions to see the town. now i dont know about any of you, but if i was going to take 11 teenagers on a day trip i would not fill the day with boring guided tours. oh welllll.

okay your almost caught up on my life now.
sorry this was so long haha. ill try to write less and more ofter now.

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