Wednesday, October 6, 2010

proud to be an american.

i wanna rant a little on something, so just stay with me.

here we go.

i know all the different stereotypes of americans, how were all fat and lazy, how we are dumb, how we dont care about anything but ourselves, our guns, our religion, our money, our mcdonalds and burger king. how were narrow minded and think we are the best. and i mean, sure, i can see how if you were going on just those things that maybe you wouldnt be the biggest fan, right? but come on. do you reallly think that every person in america fits those stereotypes? is every chinese person smart? are all muslims terrorists? are all black people good at basketball? no.
i know that. i know not to judge someone to that extent. but being in a foreign country i have learned that not everyone sees america the way i do. even for how crazy it seems to me, people really do believe those stereotypes. they do think all americans are like that. since i have been here i have been yelled at for speaking english. i have been talked about and ignored. i have been judged and made fun of. and yes i have been discriminated against. even being in a country who is very accepting of americans, i have encountered this.
i got offended at first when this happened, i just couldnt see how someone who does not even know me can just decide they dont like me simply from where i come from. i clearly cannot be one of 'those' americans, look at me, here i am. ive left my country, ive left my entire life, ive come to live in your country, to learn your language, to learn your way of life. give me some credit for that, its no easy thing being an exchange student.
but then i realized, it will do nothing for me to get upset about this, to sit here and feel sad about someone not accepting me, and that what i need to do is to prove to those people that no, not all americans are like what you see on 'jersey shore'. were not all close minded and ignorant. i need to show them those stereotypes are not entirely true. i think i can handle that.. ill sure try at least.

im pretty sure that has been one of my biggest eye-openers since i have been here.

thanks for putting up with me, everyone.



  1. Stereotypes and prejudice are difficult things and always hard to understand, no matter where they are encountered. Amazing how persistent and pervasive they can be...
    Yes, living in another country forces you into the position of being an ambassador for your native country. Like it or not. Surely, it will give you some of your greatest challenges, but also some of your greatest rewards. Your own sense of respect for other people, your own open minded perspective and your generosity of spirit will get through to some, at least.
