Sunday, October 3, 2010


not gonna lie, this past weekend deserves its own post.

lemme start with friday.

i met americans! :D yes, realllly! i was sitting on the bus coming home and i love sitting there listening to people speak croatian and see if i can pick up on words and figure out what theyre talking about. so i was just listing to everything and in my head i was like, "wait a minute, i understand something! omgg englishhhhh!" so i look and there they are, a group of five people standing up by the door speaking english. perfect, beautiful, not accented english. and so, if you havent figured this out by now, i neverrr hear other people speaking english. i had only heard it one other time. anyways, so after debating in my head whether to go ask them if they are from america or not, i got up, walked up to them and i go "hey! are you guys americans?!" hahhah. they told me that three of them were and so i told them i too was american and asked why theyre in croatia blah blah. turns out theyre from pennsylvania and delaware! and theyre here going to med school! it was just awesome. it easily made my day.

but, so. back to my actual weekend. saturday, i woke up a little before noon. it was supposed to be my big study day. i have a croatian test monday, and a big english and math test on wednesday that im not prepared for.
but, first things first, i had to get on to check my facebook. and well, lets just say, i ended up skyping with this aweome croatian boy who ive been talking to, bruno, for an entire seven hours! yes, really. how can you talk to someone for seven hours straight? i have no idea, i dont think i have ever done that before. but it was so much fun. i dont think ive ever laughed as much as i do with him. it was just crazy. apparently croatian boys really like to talk [:
so we finallly got offline and i went to the main square and met up with emma for mcdonalds. we ate some cool pie and people watched. the people watching there is absolutely intense. we saw one girl wearing skants and we almost died of laughter. its these crazy skirt pants things. they are just awful. so after we were done we decided to talk a walk up to uppertown in zagreb. the city looks so pretty at night from up there.
then i went home, and went to bed.

i woke up around 9 and went with my host mom and sister to a town called samobor about 45 minutes away, just outside the city. we went to, i think was my host moms cousins house or something. family of some sort anyways. it was really fun talking to the two boys there. they were both in college and pretty good at english. they asked me all about the us and nyc of course. and we talked about how much we hate glen beck. that was funny. we had very similar viewpoints, thankfully. we had a delicious lunch, and then we left. my host mom, sister and i then went to the town center to this cafe bar where they serve this famous desert thing called kremšnite. it was delicious. i honeslty cant even describe it. google it if you really need to know. [;
so we came back home and i went to my room to study, cuz well, not like i got any done yet. i studied my croatian for a while, but i was having problems with my pronunciation. luckily for me though, bruno got online so we skyped and i would say a word, every word i knew pretty much, then he would correct me and sound it out so i would get it right. i bet we did that for over an hour. it was really funny. i just cannot make some of those sounds. finally we got though all the words and then some and we could just talk in english then. [:

so now, here i am, its almost 1 am and i have school in a few hours. but i just figured i needed to write about how awesome my weekend was.
thats all.


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